Originally Posted by Draffi
Sorry, can you explain this a little bit more?
Let's say that in block Row1 Full width you have the widget: Shoutbox and in the block Row4 Full width you have the windget: Users Online.
As you said you want to move the Row4 Full width to be at the top below Row 1 Full width block and above the article. Right?
Moving blocks is not possible, but use this trick:
1.- Remove the widget Users Online from Row 4 blokc. You can do it by clicking "-" symbol or double click the "Users Online" name.
2.- Now add the same widget "Users Online" to Row 1 Full width. Normally it will goes just after the Shoutbox. If you want to move it to be first, just drag and drop it above the Shoutbox.
What we did now? The footer block (Row4 full width) is empty. Has no widgets inside. So it will not appears on the page. But the top widget (Row 1 full) will has 2 widgets inside.
Don't confuse blocks (you can call the containers if you want) with the widgets. Each block can has as many widgets you want. Is not limit to 1.
Originally Posted by Draffi
It is a custom work. It shows the DBTECH Shoutbox in a CMS-Widget. The widgettypeid is "3".
Widgettypeid=3 is not in the restricted ids list as you can see in fuctions.php line 118. The restricted are:
$restrict = '1,2,10,16,20';
I'll try to check if it's really type 3 or it needs some special files to include. But (without to be sure), I don't think that a shoutbox can be static html.
Originally Posted by Draffi
When this Mod is function, it is time for the "Mod of the month, ????hhh, year"!
For me is enought to know that is usefull to some users. I have got 4-5 MOTM before. What's changed? Nothing.