Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
Really rough, and thrown together pretty quick, but this should give you the ability to embed Storify feeds in a post. Made specifically to allow folks to embed the Storify feed that's keeping up with the Boston saga unfolding right this minute. If you've never used Storify, it's a remarkable way to keep up with tweets from reporters and related news live. I've been watching it all night. Faster than the regular media.
It's not tested, since I don't have a working site right now. But it should work.
HTML Code:
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HTML Code:
<script src="//storify.com/mashable/$p1.js"></script><noscript>[<a href="//storify.com/mashable/$p1" target="_blank">View the story "$ameinfo[title]" on Storify</a>]</noscript>
Here's the link to the Boston feed: http://storify.com/mashable/incident...ston-watertown
Doesn't work for me, in fact when this was enabled, all replies showed up as blank