Dear DragonByte Tech,
I have an Idea which perhaps could be easily integrated within vBulletin. I’ very interested in what you think about it.
My idea is about DDoS protection for vBulletin by Cloudflare. Cloudflare is focussed on DDoS protection and offers great
free services for the public. Since Cloudflare provides a webservice API via an API Key, the DDoS protection of Cloudflare can be utilized by just invoking URIs by vBulletin to block attackers right in the Cloud so they even can reach the target system.
The technical approach is done by invoking URIs for blocking and unblocking IP addresses. A block could be triggered by any relevant alert to be defined by the vBulletin operators to fit their needs.
In vbulletin it could look like this ...
Admin Panel Menu (example):
Attachment 144558
Action (example):
Attachment 144560
Options (for example):
Attachment 144559
All you need is a free account with Cloudflare, the generated security tokens and of course your addon. :)
Example Block:
HTML Code: <IPADRESS> = & u = & tkn = TOKEN
Example unblock:
HTML Code: <IPADRESS> = & u = & tkn =TOKEN
Note: Since Cloudflare is acting as a reverse proxy operators should install mod_cloudflare for apache to see real origin IP addresses instead of Cloudflare proxy IP addresses....see