For such simple things I believe that you can easily find someone to do them. But for full addons as those that you can find for vB4 I don't think that you can find easily at least for the current year. As DivisionByZero wrore, not many people are migrating. Give a look on the downloads. The average downloads per mod is around 15. And if you check the list of downloaders you'll see that 90% are the same members in all mods. So, do a simple calculation and you can find easilty how many members have upgraded to vB5. For me vB5 should be the Waterloo for IB. Big investment for nothing.
--------------- Added [DATE]1365843127[/DATE] at [TIME]1365843127[/TIME] ---------------
......and because I like to talk with numbers and statistics, here is a short comparization list.
In less than 2 months of the vB4 release (
still in Beta), and even if vB4 has also a totally different coding/templating syntax than vB3, the follow Major Additions where available for vB4.
- microSUPPORT (Dec 13th, 2009)
- Downloads II (Dec 28th, 2009)
- Links & Download Manager (Dec 28th, 2009)
- microAUCTIONS (Dec 29th, 2009)
- microMEMBERS (Dec 30th, 2009)
- microCLASSIFIEDS (Jan 2nd, 2010)
- microCMS (Jan 05th, 2010)
- microNEWSLETTER (Jan 26th, 2010)
- Valter has released 7 AddOns
- ....and much more (just spend sometime and check the first release date).
Have you seen any Major addition for vB5?. AddOns, yes. There are (even a few). But big addons no. And as I know (after talking with many coders), don't expect to find in the future (I mean from the same coders).