It's done.
I'm going to put it on the server, test it out there again and then it'll be ready to have.
Here are the features I got in it (this is the full version available on my site linked above, the lite version available here is staying the same for now):
Wordpress->vB features are the same:
*Registration sync - new users created on WP are automatically created on vB
*New post sync - new WP posts are intelligently posted to the matching forum. There are some controls on which forum they are posted to.
- Posts can be attributed to the user posting or
- All posts can be attributed to a designated user
*Comment sync - new comments made on WP are posted to the synced forum
*Login sync - when you login or logout of WP, the vB session is created or destroyed at the same time
*Avatar sync - vBulletin avatars are used on WP comments (requires user-photo WP plugin)
*No modification of core WP files!
*No modification of WP config file!
*100% plugin setting based - install the plugin, set your forum path, activate the features you want, enjoy!
vBulletin ->Wordpress features *NEW*
*Registration sync - new users created on vB are automatically created on WP
*New thread sync - new vB threads are intelligently posted to the matching WP category.
- Only post to designated category
- Try to match forum name (or any of its parents) to a WP category then post to the designated category if no match is found.
- Try to match forum name (or any of its parents) to a WP category then create a new WP category
*Reply sync - replies made to synced threads will have replies posted to the matching WP post
*Login sync - when you login or logout of vB, the WP session is created or destroyed at the same time
*No modification of core vB files!
*No modification of vB config file!
*100% plugin based - this plugin will create the vB plugins needed through the WP plugin settings page!