Installed and configured on 4.2 (Thanks for the hints) However....
When I enter the "Code" I want to use for the "Link to Us" it shows as a link under a blank text entry box. There's nothing to copy and paste. Am I missing something? (Image 1)
[S]When I enter a description for a link, only 100 characters are saved in the post, everything else is deleted.... (Image 2)[/S] Fixed, seemd to only happen with the FIRST link, added a second and no issue.
And the banners don't seem to work. Although this may be me as I am hosting the banners on a separate server...
Found another, "Comments" are enabled, however there's no place for a user to enter comments

(Image attached)
For reference if it helps....
Installed MOD Version "vblinkdirectory105vb415"
vBulletin Version 4.2.0 Patch Level 3
Server Type Linux
Web Server Apache v2.2.22
PHP 5.3.15