Originally Posted by ROTPAR
Just 2 questions: If I want to comment anything on my wordpress plattform and I want that all USer woh want to leave a comment, must register, there appears a register link beneath the wordpress article....This login button is linking to the wordpress login page......how could I link it to the vbulletin login/register page?
2. If I want to login with a vbulletin user on the wordpress login page, it doen't work....do I always have to login on vbulletin and then go back to the blog?
Question #1
I would probably need a link to your site to see what you are talking about, and then I might be able to give you assistance on it.
I had it set to all new memberships were linked to vB because there is where I have set my spam guards, but like I said I may need to see your forum to help out.
Edit: I don't have it running right now, I'm still waiting on the update which I hope is coming soon!!
Question #2
You can set the links to the login page the way you desire. After a member logs in they will be redirected back to their previous location.