I had installed this on 3.8 and works fine. To extract the visitor message text I added:
. "\n\r" .'--------------------------------------------'. "\n\r" . $message['message'] . "\n\r" .'--------------------------------------------'. "\n\r" .
But still doesn't show any message wehn recieving the e-mail. Here is the example:
HTML Code:
You have a new Profile message from Admin
To see or reply this message, please go to your profile on http://www.forum_name.com/member.php?u=1
If you forgot your password, please click here: http://www.forum_name.com/login.php?do=lostpw
To unsuscribe from recieving instant e-mail notifications, please click here: http://www.forum_name.com/profile.php?do=editoptions
Thank you.
Any ideas how to solve this issue or how to get the message posted on profile to show up in the e-mail?