Originally Posted by thenoob2012
Facebook Send button is not working as intended. I can send a page to any group I am a member to, but I can not send it to any of my friends, including my own profile page.
If you get the Facebook popup when you click on it with the TO box to enter info, unfortunately anything that happens after that is up to Facebook- nothing this mod can do or change about it.
Originally Posted by dsantana
The Twitter part is working correctly...
The FB part of this isn't though... I removed the image ref from >Facebook Options >Image URL but it just uses a random image and no choice when posting to use a different image.
Also it just takes you to the Home Page instead of the thread or pic that you "Liked"
I've disable it for now...
Again it is up to Facebook to determine what image(s) to use if you don't specify one- nothing in this mod would change that.
If you want to re-enable and past in the HTML source code around the button (or leave it enabled on your site) I will take a look for the URL issue.