Originally Posted by ScratchMang
Can this MOD handle more then one area for Reviews, and can it handle more then one Admin of the Reviews.
I have multiple vendors who use my forums, and I would like to be able to setup a "Product Review' area for each of them to maintain and Admin. As well as having a Global "Open" review area for forum members to use for things which the vendors do not supply. (If any of that makes sense)
So Vendor "A" has his own Product review area, where he can list his "Stuff" and allow (Or not) people to give him feedback on said Item.
Same would go for Vendor "B" and his area would not interfere or display anything for Vendor "A" (And visa versa)
Add to this an "Open" area for members to add stuff to if they so choose.
So when a Member comes into the forums, they can look at everything that Vendor "A" has to offer (And nothing from Vendor "B" etc..) and read people opinions on Vendor "A"'s stuff only.
The mod will work across an unlimited number of forums each of which can have any standard forum settings you like although the product / review elements will be constant (i.e. all custom fields show up on all reviews).
Where things get tricky is in adding products when you want selectivity.
I'd suggest you add all of the "authorized" people to a custom usergroup and grant just that group access to add items with a hidden "pending products" forum for them to go to (user generated products all go to one forum). As you approve them you can move them to the right vendor area.
Make sense?