Hope you don't mine me making a quick change, and I'm not trying to take any credit here, but I found an interim solution until you release the v.14 "official" page. We are releasing the site to our members tonight so I wanted to get something.
I added:
//show only registered users
//I know membergroupids could be wrong, but all of the users who aren't in the primary
//group id 2 (registered) that I want to appear start with 2 so it works
$custom_group_mask = " (usergroupid = 2 or membergroupids like '2,%') and ";
//validate the user session cookie against the session db to ensure a valid user id is returned
//and it is for the current IP address.
$session_check = "exists (select 1 from ".$vb_prefix."session where userid != 0 and host='".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."' and sessionhash = '".$_COOKIE["bbsessionhash"]."') and ";
Then I modified the queries to be as follows:
$query ="Select * from ".$vb_prefix."user where ".$custom_group_mask.$session_check." username like $like order by username";
$query ="Select * from ".$vb_prefix."user where ".$custom_group_mask.$session_check." username like $like order by username LIMIT $from, $max_results";