I think you messed something up. (Or, I'm not feeling well, read note#1)
In vBulletin's config file, it should point to your vBulletin database. From what it looks like, the vBulletin DBwrapper is giving you an error, and you're trying to access a database labeled 'ama_phpbb2'. That's the only thing I can think of. Make sure in your vBulletin config file, that you enter the correct settings for your vBulletin database, not your phpBB database.
You enter your phpBB details when you run the importer.
NOTE: I'm not feeling well (I have some form of heat stroke), it's really hot here in Michigan!
NOTE #2: A new version is on the way. Everything is perfect, and ready to be released, except the BBcode routines. I'm having lots of fun with converting size tags. phpBB measures font size in pixels, and vBulletin measures in points, or something other then pixles. Maybe a new version will be out tonight or tomorrow.