Originally Posted by DivisionByZero
about 80% of REAL operators (and by "real" I mean people who take things seriously) use vBseo. It's gonna take more than a one-man-boycott to turn heads.
This is like getting on the phone with mastercard and threatening to take them to court.
You are out of your mind!!!
Real operators use vBseo? One only needs to spend 5 minutes searching your aliases on this board or google to know what you are all about Chris. I suggest they do that before heeding any advice from you. vBseo is awful. My experience with forums is outlined
here.. real world Chris.
I love your mastercard / sue reference. Aren't you the guy traveling to Canada to sue people there for outing you for scamming people?
Originally Posted by Zachery
No one really needs VBSEO (in my opinion). If you like the features it gives you, or want the features it provides. Great.
But don't think its an instant cure to your site not ranking well. We're in 2013, Google (and other advanced search engines) understand vBulletin and other forum software just fine and don't need fancy extensions to help it generally run better.
Thanks Zachery. There are some good features, I always like the ping back feature and keywording (whatever its called now).
vBseo doesn't even enforce the take down of pirated versions of its software. Forget vBseo.