Originally Posted by S@NL - BlackBik
Hi Fillip,
Sorry to be such a pain in the ass about this, but the posts per day are still not showing correctly in the Welcome panel. They are now with two decimals, but the number is rounded. It now shows 7,00 where it should be 7,26 (or something like that).
I think it's because you are formatting the number twice.
On line 134 in forumhome_complete you format by using vb_number_format, which is correct.
But on line 371 you are doing another vb_number_format.
Somehow the number loses the decimals when formatting twice.
My solution is to get rid of the formatting on line 371, so just registering $postsperday, without the formatting. Then the number shows correctly with decimals.
It's no biggie, but I'm just trying to get this nice product best as it can get
is there a patch for this bug yet? There wasn't a new version since S@NL - BlackBik posted it. For german language (and probably for some others) it shows only 0,00. Switching to english, it shows 0.22. I'll look into the code myself, but iam not that fluid with php :/. Maybe you already have a patch or some hints. Thanks in advance.
Greets Zohhak
EDIT: Well i read BlackBik's post again and removed the second number format and it works. But still it would be nice to get patched for everyone
