vbsearchlog Check Warning: Table is marked as crashed
vbsearchlog Check Warning: 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly
vbsearchlog Check Error: Record at pos: 2483628 is not remove-marked
vbsearchlog Check Error: record delete-link-chain corrupted
vbsearchlog Check Error: Corrupt
vbtagsearch Check Warning: 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly
vbtagsearch Check Error: Record at pos: 6048 is not remove-marked
vbtagsearch Check Error: record delete-link-chain corrupted
vbtagsearch Check Error: Corrupt
all of vb 4.2 works other than the articles section. my vps had an issue and they sent an email saying a hard drive fell out of the raid array and they had to fix some things. i didnt change anything with the site in about a year so not sure what to do with it to fix this issue.
i went into mysql and rebuilt the tables also did the same thing in vbulletin admin area but no luck.
anyone able to assist me in fixing this?
just for your info, i'm somewhat limited in my knowledge of fixing databases and tables. i know enough to get things from scratch up and running.