Can anyone help me setup paid subs please ?
Hi all
I just want to set up paid subscriptions PLEASE !
I have watched the vB videos on YouTube and half set it up in the AdminCP
I created a few different member subscriptions
I input what PayPal details are needed
It doesn't work and what's this about people can still register but don't have to pay subs still ?
I sent vB a support ticket and that was once again a waste of time ... so I sent them another and that is being ignored ...
I have Googled the net and read various answers but still no solution ...
What I want is simple ... I see it working on other Forums so why can't vB sort it out for me as a paying customer ? Why am I expected to go away and turn myself into some expert computer programmer ... I haven't the time ... my expertise is in another area ... this is your baby ...
I want new members to register
At registration they are asked which membership
They pay into Paypal
They are now members and Forum permissions are enabled as per which Membership they purchased
and in a years time they get reminders before their subscription runs out ...
Now is there a kind person out there who can walk me through setting this up and I will gladly send you a gift voucher for a box of beers !?
Here is my Forum: cardiacathletes dot com