Found it...
Took a while, way WAY back on like page 28 or so. But this seems to do the trick for changing the text input field without messing with the rest of the forum...
Excellent MOD
Originally Posted by ChopBam
To each their own! Perhaps Valter can add an input field in ACP for optional text that goes between the name and the message. Just my $.02.
Someone sent me a private message on how to change the bg color of the input box, so I'll just say it here.
color:{vb:raw vsacb_colorfirst}"
color:{vb:raw vsacb_colorfirst};background-color:#fff"
in the vsa_chatbox_input template will make it white (as you can see by the #fff). Just change the hex code to whatever color you wish. Be careful in the color you choose though because the color of the text is variable depending on what color you're typing in. You can make that static though by changing the variable which is right before this text under "color:".