Hmm...I'm afraid I don't understand the problem. I have (in my test forum) a section called "News" with sectionid 5. So I created a new tab called "News" with url "content.php?r=5-News" and Append tabid set to No, and I created two links under it. Then I created a plugin on hook set_navigation_tab_vbview with this code:
if (intval($_GET['r']) == 5)
$root = 'tab_mzmz_532';
And it seems to work OK. If I select the tab, it goes to the news section, the tab is selected, and my two links are displayed. Are we talking about the same things? The way it works normally, there won't be any submenus or links shown unless you've defined them for that tab. Maybe that's what the problem is?
ETA: what *doesn't* work is if I go to the News section using the Section widget and not the tab, then the default CMS tab is selected.