Originally Posted by Action-N
I'm not sure we are talking about the same thing, what I was afraid of. I mean the point of style sheets on a website is so user wants to change his category color he edits one variable an it changes all his pages to new color.
We're talking about the same thing.
Yes about cookie cutter websites, that's why the more variable you give them to turn on or off the better chance for them to be different. I don't want to spend hours customizing templates, checkboxs are much faster.
Fair enough although a checkbox is not the customization level I was implying... Ideally I think sites should really reach in beyond the options others determine they should have. Options are always limited by the ideas of their creator and more of them just adds to the load on the server.
Haven't tried uploading from my computer yet. If it does yay, but fyi sync didn't.
Sync and upload work in the exact same way through the same process which first resizes a photo and then posts it to the product. If it's not sticking odds are the product didn't get a match and a new one, with the photo, was created.
The product title can't handle quotes so it kept cutting my title short. So anyone wanting to review something described with inches has to spell out "inch".
Easy enough. Is it removing quotes or stopping the title entirely when they're entered?
Can I assume you being active on here that you are still working on the mod? Thanks for the effort with this, I wanted to make something an I couldn't even figure out how to start an addon.
Of course. Our primary interest right now is monitoring and responding to any problems that may arise, including things like the icon you mentioned.
As for new features it's entirely demand driven. We combine community feedback with our own sense of what will help move the needle to push forward if there is interest for more. This mod has been pretty slow for the past few months so no plans for anything major yet.
One more thing, what's the deal with having to disable template comments? I want to edit the templates in this mod an need them to know what 's what?
It's a quirk [or a bug depending on how you see it] in how vBulletin makes posts. When we fake a thread for a review it runs through the default vB post manager which brings in everything in the post template. For some reason this does not filter out comments and they will appear if the feature is not disabled.
Since it's a load constraint most sites we've worked with already have it off except during debugging.