Originally Posted by Edgespeeder06
I disabled the macro resizer and used the quick resizer and it works but how do I adjust the alt text to remove "name:...." from it?
<img style="max-width: 610px; cursor: pointer;" onclick="window.open(this.src)" src="http://www.njstangers.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6727&d=1358738794" border="0" alt="Name: 2015-Ford-Mustang-Concept-2015-Mustang-NJ.jpg
Views: 55
Size: 66.7 KB" title="Name: 2015-Ford-Mustang-Concept-2015-Mustang-NJ.jpg
Views: 55
Size: 66.7 KB">
Those are Attachments, not linked images. That text would be the same whether or not this mod was installed because it is generated by vBulletin.
This mod only works on images embedded using [img] BBCode (external images usually)
Please "Mark as installed" if using this.