Originally Posted by Xcynic
Great mod, however I have a question.
If you set Cache Data to YES so the tabs load quicker will this make it so if new posts etc are updated it wont refresh it or what? Like what are the pro's and cons of having it on YES/NO?
This is only what I understand though; I believe this feature used if you are not going to change your forums or sub forums in each tab. meaning if you won't add or delete forums or sub forums, this feature is going to be useful and speed up the page loading...
how does it work?? it catches a copy of your forums and subforums in each tab this property used and re-use it again whenever a user reload the page; it works like a snapshot of your forum look, but never change anything even if you added new forums or subforums...
so it is always preferred to deactivate this feature if you have forums or subforums changed from time to time...
I hope this helps.