Hi there,
for a long time I used this mod, but I found out I have a war with the mysql console. I had a solution for this, but the problem was the wrong one. So I was searching for another solution.
But this mod conveniently performs the backup service automatically , replaces older files by your discretion settings, and stores them in a non-public fashion ready for you to ftp off site at your convenience. All within the vb cron mechanism.
mysqldumper does his work also automatically, but not within the vB cron. I think this is not a problem. You can use an external cronjob service (there are many sites of them for free in the net) or you can write your own file.
I have configured my server in the way where mysqldumper is not reachable from the document root of any website, and it stores the backups in a private directoy.
You can configure the dumper, how many backup's it stores.
At least everyone has to decide for himself what he wants to use. The dumper is an easier way for me.
Best regards