Originally Posted by BadgerDog
Product installed correctly, although it took a very long pause before it started doing the "template" update routine... maybe doing something to database?
Activated it under options in AdminCP and turned on specific user groups, setting it to appear below user titles.
Checked forum and nothing appears in postbit anywhere ... :down:
Tried every other location to have it appear and still nothing .. :down:
Want to uninstall this, but I'm wondering if it will screw up my database if I try that?
At least in current state, site still runs and displays properly.
If anyone else un-installs this and it does that properly, please let me know...
Thanks to developer for his efforts ..
You must enable OS and Browser, do it like I did in the screenshot, and it'll work. No, it won't screw up anything in your database if you uninstall it. But if you uninstall it, you'll lose UADisplay's plugin history, which is fine now, but if you have thousands/millions of posts with this plugin, you'll lose all their OS/Browser icons.
Originally Posted by Nirjonadda
Thanks ! But Does it work with old post or only work with new post ?
No, only new posts, since old posts didn't save the user agent string.
By the way, if you want me to add your browser/OS, you need to give me your unsupported user agent string. Go here:
^^ Copy/paste the full user agent string and post it in this thread, so that I can study the code, like this:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 3.0; en-us; Xoom Build/HRI39) AppleWebKit/534.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/534.13