I've started some testing...
Looks like a really nice professionally done product so far....
I have a question ..
Without a manual, I've started learning the hard way, so I created a Category within the main Dragonbyte Gallery and then added a single album with a picture uploaded (via Internet) to that album. It worked fine, so now I wanted to test it's apperance in a post using the 3 link options provide..
Direct Image Code:
BBCode Image Link:
BBCode Image:
Direct Image Code: worked fine and a link to the image appeared.
BBCode Image: worked fine and a full size pic of the stored image appeared.
BBCode Image Link: Nothing shows?
Here's the code the gallery shows: xxx's for privacy
I expected the latter to show a small thumbnail, which when clicked upon, a larger zoomed pic would show, but nothing appears in the post at all?
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks ..
Edit: Update When I simply try to show an IMG of the thumbnail using the code above:
I get this error:
Not Found
The requested URL /dbtgallery.phpdo=gallery_image&id=1&gal=gallery&ty pe=thumb was not found on this server.
Another Edit: I figured it out... there's a problem with the code generated by the mod for BBCode Image Link element. It shows "/dbtgallery.phpdo=gallery_image" when it should show "/dbtgallery.php?do=gallery_image". It's missing the
?. When I add that manually to the code created, the thumbnail then appears in the post.