Originally Posted by Spinball
No I think it's because Judge Real ordered the magistrate overseeing the settlement talks to force a settlement in which IB fundamentally accepts a loss. This is because their case is so weak that it's preferable (less humiliating) to getting the case dismissed in XF's favour.
If IB's case was strong enough, in line with all their tactics of wanting to bleed XF dry, they would have wanted to proceed to trial. I think their case was so weak, they were forced to settle.
We will find out the details soon, but that's my speculation and my hope.
Oh Xenforo fanatic logic.
Lets summarize your thought process.
IB doesn't have a case, judge knows IB doesn't have a case.
Judge lets case go on for almost 3 years
Judge wants parties to settle rather than have a trial, or throw out the case altogether knowing there is no case.
Judge forces a magistrate to get them to a settlement.
Some how this settlement is an automatic win for XenForo?
Sounds logical every step of the way.
A win for personal lives of KAM, perhaps. A win for XenForo, not hardly. IB accomplished what it set out to do. It's destroyed the script, the community, any chance of XenForo being successful ever again.
Kudos to IB for the win!