In the rss feed manager> RSS feed> Templates> Body Template Field>
I want to add:
PHP Code:
<a href=" THE THREAD LINK AUTOMATICALLY RETRIEVED" title="{vb:rawphrase reload_this_page}">{vb:raw threadinfo.title} is a post from: updated daily</a>
so that the thread title and link are automatically posted when each feed item posts. I just cant seem to get the syntax correct, I've tried:
<a href="{vb:link thread}" title="{vb:rawphrase reload_this_page}">{vb:raw threadinfo.title}
[url="{vb:raw thread_url}"]{feed:title}
So, if done correctly the following info appears at the bottom of each feed item:
Thread Title is a post from: updated daily!
Could anyone please assist in helping me with the correct Syntax?