Originally Posted by apsrfvb4
Thanks for the quick reply kh99. Can I ask how do they submit the form then ..just curious.
Well, I'm not any kind of expert on spamming software, but anyway: your browser is just a program on your computer that displays web pages. If you're looking at your forum's registration page, for instance, and you press submit, the browser takes all the info you entered in the form and packs it up into an http request, connects to your server, and sends it. But any program can connect to your server and send a request, and it's actually pretty easy to write a program that can send a request that looks exactly the same as one coming from your browser. And if you write your own program you don't have to pay any attention to the submit button or to javascript that enables or disables it, you just send your "fake" request whenever you want.
Anyway, I'm not that great at explaining things like this - I hope it makes some sense.