I'm the owner of a forum that has been online for over a year. I have a base of users that has mostly moved to my forum from another one and we've always been looking for a modification/plugin/hook or something that will do the following:
While showing the thread (let's say instead of hybrid view, which is never used in my forum):
a. Post tree - showing message reply structure, as in hybrid/threaded view
b. List of posts of the thread, which are also indented according to the reply structure, for example:
---1. message title - message body
---2. message title - message body
--------3. (reply to message 2) message title - message body
-------------4. (reply to message 3) message title - message body
--------5. (reply to message 2) message title - message body
---6. message title - message body
I hope this is clear, I know it's quite an outdated style to display forums, but where I come from it's actually the most popular and most forums dealing with my subject are built like that.
So basically this would be a display type that will replace the hybrid view (or add a new one if that's possible) which will combine the threaded display and the linear display - only instead of showing the linear style one message after the other, it will also display who replied to who.
Here is an example of what i mean, it's on an older vbulletin forum (3.0.6) and I understand it was some code edit, something that should theoretically (according to their webmaster) be performed using hooks.
I've asked in the past for something similar but with no luck - as far as i'm aware no such modification exists.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is the single most asked modification in my forum.
Thank you very much!