I think I addressed your IE issue. The issue was in
doc_background. I had read that background images broke in IE if there wasn't a space after the image URL's closing parentheses. But I had never actually seen it in practice before. Turns out it's true.
So it was:
HTML Code:
url(images/gamesite/background.jpg)top center scroll
When it should have been:
HTML Code:
url(images/gamesite/background.jpg) top center scroll
The other issue is a bit more complicated. You'll notice that your navbar is not clickable on the forums. And partially missing if viewed in IE. The navbar was constructed badly, and I can't imagine it being fixed without being totally reconstructed. I think, maybe, they were trying to put Advanced Search in the small links below the navbar, but with the position set at absolute, that's really only going to work if your browser is that particular width. I would have constructed this completely different, myself. I would try and get them to fix this, because this is something of a glaring error.