Here you go:
1-Edit forumdisplay.php, find:
-- cut --
switch ($sortfield) {
case 'title':
case 'lastpost':
case 'replycount':
case 'views':
case 'postusername':
case 'voteavg':
-- cut --
2- After that add:
-- cut --
$sortfield = "dateline";
-- cut --
This will sort all threads in all forums according to the first message date and user's sort field choice is cancelled.
if you want this feature for a specific forum (eg #4), use this instead:
-- cut --
if ($forumid == 4) {$sortfield = "dateline";}
-- cut --
For 4 and 5 and 6 use this:
-- cut ---
if (($forumid == 4) OR ($forumid == 5) OR ($forumid == 6)) {$sortfield = "dateline";}
-- cut --
This is tested and working..