Originally Posted by Ted S
Edit the template helpful_answers_mosthelp_post and wrap the contents in a condition like:
<vb:if condition="$helpfulanswer['postid']">
...... ...... ......
That did not work when I tried to add the suggested code VB gave me an error when I tried to save it. This is what is currently in helpful_answers_mosthelp_post template.
Also I an running VB 3.87
HTML Code:
<if condition="!$GLOBALS['FIRSTPOSTID'] AND $helpfulanswer[postid] != $GLOBALS['qrfirstpostid']">
<div style="padding:5px;">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="alt1" style="padding:15px;font-weight"bold;text-align:center;">
<phrase 1="$vboptions[bbtitle]" 2="$helpfulanswer[postid]">$vbphrase[helpfulanswer_mosthelp_post]</phrase>