trust me, is not.. when you see the forumbits layout.. you will understand. it looks really nice.. but some parts are not finished.. it's not gonna look anymore like the ole VB we all know..

it will be more like an interactive web station. once i finish the main forums page, i will install vbHome.
btw, did you noticed? i use graphics, instead of numbers (1, 2, 3 online users and pms), they are dynamically updated. firefly, as usual, pulled some tricks on that and helped me out. another trick i did was the avatar improvement. if you dont have the avatar selected, instead of a noavatar image, it will show the usergroup image, in my case ADMIN.
i really want to finish the forumbits so you all see a general vue...
also my site will be fully powered by VB. in one directory. did you noticed also that the forumhome index.php is called now forums.php?