Back with the second post and still waiting for your help. I am using 4.2 vbulletin and i can't see any easy cleanup option anywhere. my administrators have full permisions under administrator permissions tab, including me. i have the akismet key set, still, i'm not able to check the already created users to see if they are spammers (and they are, like 400 of them). please give some more details of how should i moderate the already created users...
LE: i also, in my usergroups under edit usergroups i don't have any option like Filter posts with Akismet as it is mentioned in the installation intructions
4.2. Get API key for Akismet and enter it in settings. After this edit your usergroups and you will see the option to "Filter posts with Akismet". Only check groups with untrusted users (i.e. Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users).