Here is My list of Real world Questions that Either I saw some mentions of but I was sending an E mail so I will list my questions as if
That is still what I am doing...
Ok I could spend a few hours reading all of the concerns of others and all of the responses you have made...
I started at the beginning at started reading and this is close to what I want...
First I want an integrated system like this, I am running VB4.2 Patch 3
Next I do not charge anything on my site but would not mind making a residual small fee for something like this...
The first concern I have is Can I charge members for transactions on my site like with increments...
Is it scalable?
0-100= 1.50
101-999 = 3.00
1000-up =10.00
Next do they still have to pay 3% overhead because that is a big killer ..(I see where they can decide to pay outside of Your service)
I see where you stated 3% later in page 8...
(but now I also see Shawn's reply...If they opt for pay pal it should bypass your system not be routed through it...
I guess I will offer to buy a version as I described but AS I stated I want no outside anything...)
I would prefer they be able to use pay pal...(I see that was mentioned as an option)
So how are you making money for this if they do that?
How long is the shortest time before the funds are released in the system,
Pay pal uses and instant payment plan with a dispute that can after resolution be returned to the seller...same as Ebay since they are both owner by PP
Ok so say, I do not like the payment options and do not want outside sources on my board and I only want members to be able to sell to other members and I do not want any links not even in a footer...or adds since I am strictly against that...
(from outside sources)
Have you considered selling a Version where the site owner alone can have everything I mentioned?
without being in your system? Just the software with all customizing options I am mentioning now.
With the drag and drop the integration into V bulletin with my own choices allowed for check out, since If I use a pay pal system they again will mediate all of the transactions and no matter what the outcome I can allow the re-listing like e bay without monetary responsibility, back to me if a charge gets reversed?
Ok, I like the platform for the reasons it is clean and efficient right now, I have a trading place set up with individual states more like a
Craigslist thing and it is huge...
I assume you are using a listing index of items,
Could I offer these features like , based on location broken down by states and have the item list a post in the proper states so users can narrow down items they could drive to and pick up in person?
Can they also narrow down a search to find the quickest delivery time / pricing like Ebay does? and Craigslist regional?
Ok that should do for me at this time...
My Last Question is for EverShawn...
What do you mean exactly please clarify...if they are not involved in the transaction since you could go member to member and you could also use Pay Pal to complete?
I am just trying to wrap my mind around this one a bit better before I jump in...
Thanks for any responses from anyone...