Originally Posted by Ba'al
Whats annoying is it being ignored until you have helpful response, logic dictates a response so i know you have seen it, otherwise i have no idea.
Even if I hadn't seen it - if DBTech was a one-man studio and I was away on holiday, for instance, and returned 7 days later with a post + 7 bump posts - what good would the bumps have done?
If we had a set schedule for checking vBulletin.org threads, and didn't have email alerts on replies enabled, what good would the bumps have done?
Don't get me wrong, I do understand that you want your post addressed, but I don't understand why anyone would bump a vBulletin.org support thread.
From my point of view, someone bumping a support thread for a free modification - especially when we have repeatedly stated, and state in the OP of every mod, that using our forums is the best way to get quick support - is someone
demanding their issue looked at A.S.A.P. because their issue is more important than whatever I am doing that day / that hour.
I meant no offense with my previous post, or with this post, I'm simply trying to foster an understanding between our two different point of views
We prefer support threads in our own support forums for multiple reasons:
a) Multiple threads is easier to deal with than a single thread
b) We have vastly superior notification & tracking capabilities
c) We have AJAX reloading of the forum list that reflects new posts
In short, it's vastly easier to provide support on our own forums - for that reason, vBulletin.org threads get put on the back-burner and I tend to clean them up once every couple of days or whenever I'm finished with my work at a time that's not 3AM