Originally Posted by daviet
I have installed Semantic MediaWiki to my working version and it works great. Here is an example page, see the Live History and Appears On section near the bottom.
I get this error when trying to use Semantic Media Wiki
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wfProfileIn() in /home/cruisin/public_html/w/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_Setup.php on line 463
It refers to this:
* Initialise a global language object for content language. This must happen
* early on, even before user language is known, to determine labels for
* additional namespaces. In contrast, messages can be initialised much later
* when they are actually needed.
*/function smwfInitContentLanguage( $langcode ) {
global $smwgIP, $smwgContLang;
if ( !empty( $smwgContLang ) ) {
wfProfileIn( 'smwfInitContentLanguage (SMW)' );
$smwContLangFile = 'SMW_Language' . str_replace( '-', '_', ucfirst( $langcode ) );
$smwContLangClass = 'SMWLanguage' . str_replace( '-', '_', ucfirst( $langcode ) );
if ( file_exists( $smwgIP . 'languages/' . $smwContLangFile . '.php' ) ) {
include_once( $smwgIP . 'languages/' . $smwContLangFile . '.php' );
// Fallback if language not supported.
if ( !class_exists( $smwContLangClass ) ) {
include_once( $smwgIP . 'languages/SMW_LanguageEn.php' );
$smwContLangClass = 'SMWLanguageEn';
$smwgContLang = new $smwContLangClass();
wfProfileOut( 'smwfInitContentLanguage (SMW)' );