Okay, I figured out the xml uploads weren't working when I uploaded 'xml' so I did it manually for those 3 files and it worked. Thanks! Now, when I have it installed, the ? images don't seem to be actually working...
When I hover over it or try to click it, nothing happens. Is that normal? Aren't they supposed to be explanatory of what you are editing?
Edit: It works for all other ?'s except for under Activity Amounts Configuration. Also, when I try to change 'Transaction Log Decimals' to 0, it just automatically reverts it back to 1. Why? Also, I actually
lost credits for editing a post of mine. How do you change that?
Edit2: When I go onto Transactions and search Credits, Posts, it gives me this error at the top of the page: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/credits/credits_core.php on line 642 and everything is all glitched up.
http://prntscr.com/su4w6 What is the problem here?