Hi there!
I've looked on the site for two specific mods, however have come up with zero results. I know these modifications exist, because I've seen them in action. That said, I'm not sure if they're available on vBorg or were written specifically for the site I saw them on.
Hopefully, some of you may be able to point me in the right direction.
Collapsed Forums Based On Language
I'm looking for a mod that will collapse other language categories/forums. For example, my forum has several categories, with their forums. One categoriy for English, one for French, and so on. Ideally, if a user slects the English language icon, the forum will collapse all the other language categories, such as French, German, etc. They would still be able to open the categories manually, but by default they would be collapsed.
I *think* there's a collapsed function that could be tied to the language id selection. Then again, I'm no coder... This mod can be seen in action here:
Developer Tracker
I have seen several vB sites with something like this. I'm looking for a mod that will aggregate all the posts made by staff (or any member of a defined usergroup). From the forum home, the tracker would look like a forum. When clicked, you find, basically, a giant thread of the staff posts (and links to the post/thread the staff post is in). This mod can be seen in action here:
I appreciate any and all light any of you may be able to shed on these mods, where to find them, and so on.