Originally Posted by GaryT
It was only a problem with I.E.
I have been converting the " Web and Art Solutions | Take Five Theme" over to my choice of graphics to both enhance my site and learn more about graphics and the placement of such within the structure of the page.
The only templates I have changed are those that are shown in red as being altered. Before making any such changes I save a copy of the code for backup.
Was the login problem there before or after making the template changes? Which templates did you edit? There's a possibility that the designer implemented a so-called "IE fix" that would actually cause problems in IE down the road. For example, I added the IE Png Fix code to my board a couple of years ago, which was supposed to make .png files display properly for old versions of IE. Shortly afterwards I was getting emails from my users who couldn't actually get the page to load at all in IE. Check to see if the
headinclude template was altered and use the comparison option (which I assume is still in vB4) to see if anything looks suspicious. It might be something relatively simple.