Originally Posted by DivisionByZero
look at the server error logs and find out the specifics of the 500 status code. Paste the results here.
However, any fresh VPS installation that has php, apache, and mysql (LAMP) installed should run vbulletin just fine.
I tried fixing it some by adding in the favicon.ico, 404.shtml and 505.shtml files into public_html. Reading off some similar-problems, I chmod 755 everything (files and folders included) for public_html.
Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
Most FTP programs do this automatically (or have a setting to do this automatically) but are you sure all your files were uploaded using the correct transfer type: All text files in ASCII mode and all non-text (image) files in Binary mode? Seems like I ran into this issue once, long ago, and it was because my FTP wasn't automatically uploading in the correct modes.
I used FileZilla, which I heard they do this automatically - Although I could be wrong.