Originally Posted by kh99
Looks good - but now I feel like I'm a competitor.
As for the ip banning, I was considering that, but the problem I have is that I feel if ips are going to be banned automatically, you also need a way to monitor the process and search and remove ips, as well as a way for someone to contact you if they get banned by mistake, and then it turns in to a major thing. What I was thinking of doing in the next release (some time this week) is to use the login "strikes" system so that at least it wouldn't be possible for anyone to try too often. I'm also going to try to include a summary email option instead of one per registration.
As it currently stands.
I redirect anyone that trips this mod to a bot trap which writes to the .htaccess file.
Now that does give an option to be unbanned.
This is not my code by any means. Just free stuff on the net.
Why couldnt this mod have this basic idea implemented into it?
That would fix the problem if ip addresses changing, old bans etc.
I mean if it was to be coded to suit this mod then you would add a "melt ip after X" option and perhaps a way to view the bans.
Here is how it spits it out for me.
Like i said its really simple yet it stops them in there tracks.