It does not work like the forums.
The forums will override on a yes,
That is why usergroups have "is this group a banned usergroup" option, that it knows to deny.
Other wise the yes will decide the groups permission where as this hack does not.
We are not even talking about banned usergroups, we are talking about secondary YES permissions overriding NO permissions - which VBULLETIN does.
OK help me with this scenario if you think they hack works like vbulletin
I have usergroups VIP, Moderators, Special Coders, and some more.
These usergroups have special forums, and special areas they can view!
Also there is Registered users, registered 5, registered 10, so on, these have limited to none downloads depending on posts
If I make the subscription give a new primary group it takes the Moderators, VIP, Specials, and makes them Contributors - Which is no good as moderators lose there status.
If I make the paid subscription a secondary usergroup and the preferred method, then users from the registered, registered 5, does not inherit the YES you can downloads from the contributed group (secondary group).
However that user can now download whatever he wants via forum attachments because of the overriding YES permission of the secondary user
So it does not really work like the forums in that respect