Originally Posted by squidsk
No it doesn't affect anything else, but I want to try and avoid changing default vbulletin behaviour wherever possible.
Right, that makes a lot of sense. I forgot for a moment that it's for a mod.
Alright, so what's the easiest way to change it, if I change it only in the xml for the file then all the people who have it installed will have multiple plugin listings. Would I need to manually edit all the tables (i.e. template, plugin, phrase, etc, etc)?
I guess what you'd want to do is keep whatever id is in the xml file (which is the same thing that shows up when you edit the product in the Product Manager), and if necessary change the pid on your product and version urls, and on vbulletin.org use "Edit Settings" to change the id if necessary.
Also, I of course misspoke above - it's not the <version>...</version> tags, it's the <product productid="..."> at the top.