Originally Posted by kh99
There is no way to have any kind of variables in the url for the navigation manager. Maybe you could do something like create a plugin using hook member_start and code like:
if ($vbulletin->GPC['userid'] == 0)
$vbulletin->GPC['userid'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'];
then if you use a url that's just "member.php", it will go to the current user.
That works, but what code can I add so that it only redirects the user to their own page if they've clicked on the link in the navbar (i.e. when that nav tab has been selected)?
This version check url seems to work:
Today it does, yesterday it didn't. The problem still comes when I use that url in the version check entry for the product. When I select
check version from the product dropdown I get the following message from vbulletin:
Version check failed. No version number was found at this location. The URL for the version check may be incorrect, or the server may be experiencing problems. Please try again later.
If I manually enter the url into a browser I get the expected result of 4.0.5.