Originally Posted by SRobbins1977
We could use a little help. first... GREAT widget, thank you. Its a great first step to our sites redesign. Feel free to check out how we implemented it on our site: http://wdgaming.net/
To the questions...
1) As you can see from the slider, the small previews along the left side are not the same ratio as the main slider. Is there a way to add a spot to change that under the "Content Slider Box Width" in the configuration for the widget?
2) you may also notice that we have more room to include the preview of text. We would like to change the amount of text that is in the previewer. Is it possible to add that to the configuration widget?
If we need to do some php code, we're not too great at it, so the more detail on changing it would help.
Thank you again.
Im assuming no one knows how to do this as I have not been answered. So I went ahead and reverse engineered it myself.
To change the size of the preview windows on the left.
- Go to AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Search in Templates
- Search for Text > vbcms_widget_cmsfcs_page
- open the vbcms_widget_cmsfcs_page style(double click)
Now we change the settings of the preview boxes that are on the left of the slider. Back up the template settings as you will have to calculate the pixel positions based on what you change.
- Find ".cmsfcs_{vb:raw id} ul.ui-tabs-nav{ "
- --your width setting here sets the width of the preview boxs on the left side of the slider
- Find ".cmsfcs_{vb:raw id} ul.ui-tabs-nav li img {"
- --Width setting here changes the width of the image in the preview box on the left side of the slider
Now the title and preview text along the bottom needs to be moved over so it lines up with the preview boxes. Depending on the width you changed the preview boxes too will mean you have to calculate how to move these values over.
- Find ".cmsfcs_45 .ui-tabs-panel .info {"
- --Change the "left:" value to the width of the preview images + 15pixels
- --In the same sectionfind width. you will see an equation something like "math {vb:raw width}-70}" the 70 value shown here needs to be equal to the width value we changed above.
I think I remembered it all. I sill need help with changing the preview text amount and now Im wishing I knew how to make the previews fade in rather than FLICK each time.
Any help on making the fading effect?
PLEASE help.
EDIT: By The Way vB.org team... Your indents on bullets are not working... just adding a enter return. so I removed them.