Originally Posted by GaryT
One of the things I enjoy about being a part of this community is how helpful some folks are. My vbulletin license has enabled me to be a part of it all. Absolutely the best net related money I've ever spent.
My web site is my past time, my hobby, my place to go to change around with my other hobby, (graphics). My web site has no members because I don't advertise it or take any actions to make it show up on search engines. WHAT!! NO MEMBERS!!! that's right "NO MEMBERS". I would rather have members but it's not a big deal to me. I'm retired Military and disabled so my computer is my world. (along with my beautiful Grandchildren)!.
One of the things I enjoy doing is to take someone else's style and use it as a starting point to build my own version of the style. I leave their copyright in the footer until I have completely changed the style enough that it no longer resembles the original.
I've noticed that there are a lot of vb users that have no graphics or header/logo skills. I am no expert at such but feel I can at least do better than someone with no skills with graphics.
If you are in need of header/logo work and have a valid vb license feel free to either let me know with a reply or message and include a link to your site. I will then let you know if I think I can improve it or not. I seek no financial gain. You get what you pay for 
It's really inspiring to hear someone making a forum not to make money but for pure enjoyment. Would be good to see your URL? In relation to search engines, do you have it no follow or do you not build links etc...?