Originally Posted by betts02
For me everything tournament and ladder wise is fine
Its the league system that is just to much trouble setting up,etc
It needs to be made a whole lot more easier and efficient
I would love to see:
Create New League:
(In Options)
How many divisions and name divisions as currently it has the option to name but it does not work for me
Set the league to run for a set amount of weeks
Automatically set the fixtures so each player in each division players each other once per week
Allow both player to comment on a date and once agreed BOTH players have to check a box to set the date
Once the game has finished BOTH players have to check a box to submit the correct scores
If a score does not match a notification should be sent to admins
Agreed, the League stuff shouldn't be tied to tournaments or ladders except maybe to get some ladder xp for winning, like tournaments.
A league should be a completely separate thing..
- Leagues are an ongoing competition, with seasons (that can be tied together or not), but much less complicated. (think sports.. NFL, MLB, Futbol, etc.. Shooter clans will work just as well, just easier to picture how it would be set up using real life scenario)
- Tournaments are a one time entity. (Could be similar to a league, in that it may have rounds, but not seasons)
- Ladders are for whatever amount of time you like.. kind of like a Hall of Fame for whatever time period you set.

I can't even imagine how much work this stuff is to create & edit to make changes etc, so don't take this as anything but idea/suggestion. :up: