Ok I get the same error as above...
Only I was not fast enough to copy it like Hippy was.
If I can get the light version to work I would be interested in buying the pro version.
This is when under Board Main options,
I select Soicial Wall light and user group to view here...
I have also attached screen shot.
You can select usergroups from here who can see all statuses.
Banned Users
New Registered Users
Registered Users
Super Moderators
Unregistered / Not Logged In
Users Awaiting Email Confirmation
Users Awaiting Moderation
If I choose any user group at all...
Then if I click on save, so I can actually use the wall to see what it would look like.
I get a flash of board and the error
Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in [path]/includes/adminfunctions_options.php on line 1032
However If I try to save without checking any of view user group permissions
I get no error it saves fine and reloads...
However it does not work with no permissions selected so I am back to square one.
Just trying to explain in detail
You may notice that the software did install with menus and I also have it showing up in the Tabs in
Navigation Manager but I can not enable if I do things get weird on site the save feature will take a very long time Mozilla actually freezes up then comes back...
I have attached another Screen shot showing it in the Navigation Manager...