Great hack so far, and room for more potential (It works by the way with no problems of installaiton and Im using it in conjuction with vbportal)
I was wondering if it could be possible to add to it.
I was wondering if it would be possible to change the query for the last 10 and instead of pulling the last 10 threads he/she has posted to the forum, pull only "all" threads he/she has posted to a private forum?
Figured out how to do the post all threads (take off limit 10)
But how do I make the query only look at the private forum that he/she only has acces to? And apply to to every usergroup? I have all my users in usergroups (so no one under registered or groupid 2
I think i have the idea to make similar "whoareyou" templates for each usergroup I have so they would only have access to it. Would that be wise to do?
Another q:
Is it possible that instead of taking the user to the actual forum itself to view the thread, but to pull the contents of the thread and have them be viewed in a "threaded" format?
Is this possible?