vBulletin - The Price Way Too High?
Well, let's compare vBulletin and a computer game for now.
vBulletin costs $160 to own forever
-A computer game (let's use StarCraft) costs $40 dollars to own forever.
-vBulletin makes you pay $30 each year to get the new updates, while StarCraft gives you unlimited udates forever for free.
-vBulletin only has 155 images, all very basic rectangles with rounded eges and a picture and some words on it; while StarCraft needs thousands of pictures, all very complex and perfectly designed for the movements of each character.
-vBulletin is designed in PHP, a much easier language to learn than C++.
-With vBulletin, all you're getting is some virtual files, but with StarCraft you are also paying for the box, the CD, the small guide that comes with it, and two large game guides that also come with it.
-StarCraft has a huge network where people can play together. vBulletin just has forums....
With the way it works, shouldn't the game cost more than a vB with how much more complex it is in every way? Jeez....